

  • Phospho-GAB1-Y307 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-GAB1-Y307 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-GAB1-Y307 Polyclonal AntibodyThe product page for this antibody is being prepared. If you have a question please don't hesitate to get in touch!
  • Phospho-IRS1-S1101 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-IRS1-S1101 Polyclonal Antibody

    OverviewProduct Name:Phospho-IRS1-S1101 Polyclonal AntibodyProduct Code:CABP0954Reactivity:MouseApplications:Western blottingHost Species:RabbitPurification Method:Affinity purificationIsotype:IgGApplicationsReactivity:MouseTested Applications:WB,...
  • Phospho-HER2/ErbB2-Y877 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-HER2/ErbB2-Y877 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-HER2/ErbB2-Y877 Polyclonal AntibodyThe product page for this antibody is being prepared. If you have a question please don't hesitate to get in touch!
  • Phospho-Ret-Y1062 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-Ret-Y1062 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-Ret-Y1062 Polyclonal AntibodyThe product page for this antibody is being prepared. If you have a question please don't hesitate to get in touch!
  • Phospho-cdc25C-T48 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-cdc25C-T48 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-cdc25C-T48 Polyclonal AntibodyThe product page for this antibody is being prepared. If you have a question please don't hesitate to get in touch!
  • Phospho-cdc25C-S198 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-cdc25C-S198 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-cdc25C-S198 Polyclonal AntibodyThe product page for this antibody is being prepared. If you have a question please don't hesitate to get in touch!
  • Phospho-MUC1-Y1203 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-MUC1-Y1203 Polyclonal Antibody

    Phospho-MUC1-Y1203 Polyclonal AntibodyThe product page for this antibody is being prepared. If you have a question please don't hesitate to get in touch!